We're Figuring It Out

Melissa's Pizza Sauce Recipe

melissa’s Pizza Sauce Recipe



  • 1 can of whole or crushed san marzano tomatoes

  • 1 onion finely diced

  • 1 clove garlic crushed

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • pinch oregano

  • pinch salt

  • tsp honey (more if tomatoes aren’t sweet)


  1. In a sauce pan heat olive oil over medium high heat.

  2. Add onions and sautee until soften, then add garlic. cook until fragrant.

  3. Add the tomatoes, oregano, and salt.

  4. Using a utensil, crush the tomatoes.

  5. Lower heat to medium low and cook until sauce reduces.

  6. Add honey until desired sweetness.

  7. Finish with more salt and pepper to taste.